Training for educators and mental health professionals: workshops can be tailored to meet a timeframe as well as specific focus. Given that research suggests that the most challenging aspect of Professional Development is implementation, these workshops are interactive, relevant and engaging, providing classroom examples and methods for utilizing tools in real-life scenarios. They can be grouped as a series or given individually.
Educators Executive functions are a set of skills, such as planning, organization, focus and working memory, that are generated primarily in the prefrontal lobe of the brain. Many students have weak executive functioning, which may be caused by numerous factors including ADHD, stress, illness and lack of sleep. When educators understand what executive functions are and how to support a student whose executive functions are weak, all students in a classroom can benefit. My goal is to provide educators with an understanding of their students from a new perspective and a substantial toolbox for increasing academic success.
Mental Health Professionals Debbie provides workshops as well as consultation to local health professionals on ADHD and Executive Function. She has built a reputation as a resource for health professionals in her community.